Resolutions 2012

Well, it’s a few days into 2012, and I feel like it’s a good time to share a few resolutions I have made for the upcoming year, both with regards to this lovechild of a blog-o’-mine, as well as in my life in general. I guess I just feel like it, even though I rarely delve into my personal life in detail on this blog.

Still, here goes!

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Recipe Hiatus

In case anyone is wondering where I’ve gone… I’ve had to take a little bit of a blogging break.

Midterm season is upon me, and with lots of shifts at work, I haven’t been able to write up quite as many recipes as I’d like to. But don’t fear! I’m still documenting all of my creations and will sit down with all my pictures to get posting again, as soon as this crazy time is done. I hope the small selection of recipes I have amassed in my archives will do until then.

Happy cooking in the meantime!


Welcome to Don’t Forget the Olive Oil!

I am new to blogging.

Well, that’s not completely true. I had a blog when I was 16, but it was just a bunch of your typical teenage blather. Of course I thought I was solving the world’s problems with my brilliant insight and beautiful poetry, but it’s all very cringe-worthy and unoriginal.

Other than that, I am very green in the way of blogging. So, you’ll have to bear with me as I figure out how to post more complicated things… like pictures and stuff. I promise to make it worthwhile!

Please contact me with your questions, favourite recipes, suggestions, and modifications at any time, in the comments or otherwise! I would love to know how these recipes change and evolve in the kitchens they end up in. I believe that food creates community, and that includes the internet! So there.

Finally, all of the photography on this blog is my own, and I ask that if you use any image you credit it with a link to the blog home page (

Thank you, and welcome again!
